Quaking Aspens
A real Rocky Mountain High. Golden Quaking Aspen shimmer and rustle in the wind.
The widespread distribution of quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) forests on the region’s high plateaus and mountain ranges and their importance to many wildlife species make these forests a significant biotic community on the Colorado Plateau. Large, nearly pure stands of aspen can be seen on the Markagunt, Aquarius, Pansaugunt, and Wasatch Plateaus of central and southern Utah and in the La Sal Mountains on the eastern border of the state. Grand Mesa and the Uncompaghre Plateau in far western Colorado also support extensive aspen forests. Further south, aspen is abundant in the White Mountains, on the Kaibab Plateau, and on the San Francisco Peaks in Arizona. Aspen is most commonly found between 7500 and about 10,500 feet on the Colorado Plateau, particularly on well-watered south-facing slopes.